Signature Bank uses the most advanced security available on the Internet today. The same level of security is used in our branches; ATM machines and Signature Bank by Phone system are also employed in the Signature Bank Online Banking product. All sensitive information is encrypted and online access requires a Personal ID and a Password known only to you. (Note: Only valid account-holders should know their Online ID and Password)
Designed and tested with and by industry experts, Signature Bank NetTeller state-of-the-art technologies will protect your information.
Government regulators oversee all of our banking operations including online banking. In addition, government agencies regularly audit our operations to ensure we comply with best business practices and the law.
Besides the security measures already mentioned, we employ internal bank controls to ensure optimum security for your Internet Banking.
About Security
At Signature Bank, we recognize security concerns and we are serious about security issues. In addition to our high security standards offline, we incorporate many security tiers into the Signature Bank Online Banking system. Every possible effort is made to ensure that your account information is protected from unauthorized access. For questions regarding security issues, please call toll free 1-888-269-1870 or contact us today.
SSL and Firewalls
Signature Bank’s Net Teller is accessed through a Secure Socket Layer (or SSL). This means all data transmitted to or from Signature Bank’s computer system is encrypted using the most sophisticated security available to protect your money and privacy. Several firewalls exist to prevent unauthorized access to the system and to ensure your information is accessible only by using a correct Online ID and Password.
Security Software on Processing System
Signature Bank’s NetTeller is a secure area. No one can view, obtain or intercept information from this secure area without a proper Online ID and Password.
Netscape Navigator: Upon entering signaturebankmi.com, users with older versions of Netscape will find a key in the lower left corner switching from broken into a complete key indicating a secure connection. On newer versions of Netscape, a lock in the lower right corner will switch from open to close. The key will remain complete or the lock will remain closed as long as you remain in the Signature Bank website or if you log into NetTeller using your Online ID and Password.
Microsoft Internet Explorer: Upon entering signaturebankmi.com, users will find a completely closed lock in the lower right corner indicating a secure connection. The lock will remain closed as long as you remain in the Signature Bank website or if you log into NetTeller using your Online ID and Password.
All URLs in NetTeller will begin with https://www.netteller.com. Note that all of these URLs begin with "https" instead of "http". The "https" indicates that a secure connection has been made with the server.
Note: You may receive a message to change your browser settings when requesting a document from a secure area. Follow your browser instructions.
Protecting information Online
It is very important that only you know your Online ID and Password. This is the only way your account may be accessed. Three (3) unsuccessful attempts will lock out the User from accessing their account. If a User becomes locked out, they can call Signature Bank toll free at 1-888-269-1870 or use the contact us link.
Email Solicitation
Signature Bank does not solicit information (Social Security Number, account numbers, credit card numbers, passwords, etc) by means of email. If you receive an email requesting confidential information from someone claiming to represent Signature Bank, do not respond to the email. Please call toll free at 1-888-269-1870 to report any solicitation of this kind that you receive or use the contact us link.
Account numbers not visible
Your account numbers are not visible Online and can not be found anywhere on the Signature Bank NetTeller. A "Pseudo Name" is used in place of an account number to maximize the security of your NetTeller experience.
Automatic Log Off
After a ten-minute period of inactivity, the system will automatically log you off and force you to re-enter your Online ID and Password.
We are constantly upgrading our system to include the most recent Internet security features. Suspect reports are generated daily to monitor and ensure that no one is attempting to log in to your account that shouldn’t have access.
Your Role in Security
If you think your Password has been compromised, change it immediately online and immediately contact the Bank. Call us toll free at 1-888-269-1870 or send us a note through the contact us link.
Important note:
While we continue to do everything possible to ensure the security of our system, we are not responsible for any breach of security that is outside of our control.